Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century : Piety, morality and discipline in the Carpathian Basin
...Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century : Piety, morality and discipline in the Carpathian Basin 0469844 Einband vorne Titelei Inhalt/Contents Einleitung Introduction I. Gemeiner Mann und Ortspfarrer: Verhalten und religiöses Leben in Siebenbürgen und darüber hinaus/Common man and local priests: behavior and religious life in Transylvanian villages and beyond Eike Wolgast - Der gemeine Mann zwischen Bauernkrieg 1525 und Religionsfrieden 1555 Adinel C. Dincă - Dorfkirche und Schriftlichkeit in Siebenbürgen um 1500 Paula Cotoi - Pre-Reformation Sermon Collections in Transylvania. Evidence concerning their circulation in rural areas Alexandru Ştefan - Seals of Transylvanian Saxon Parish Priests from the...
ID: 0469844 | Seitenanzahl: 439