Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century : Piety, morality and discipline in the Carpathian Basin
Einband vorne
I. Gemeiner Mann und Ortspfarrer: Verhalten und religiöses Leben in Siebenbürgen und darüber hinaus/Common man and local priests: behavior and religious life in Transylvanian villages and beyond
Eike Wolgast - Der gemeine Mann zwischen Bauernkrieg 1525 und Religionsfrieden 1555
Adinel C. Dincă - Dorfkirche und Schriftlichkeit in Siebenbürgen um 1500
Paula Cotoi - Pre-Reformation Sermon Collections in Transylvania. Evidence concerning their circulation in rural areas
Alexandru Ştefan - Seals of Transylvanian Saxon Parish Priests from the First Half of the 16th Century
Emöke Gálfi - The Secularisation of the Castle District in Alba Iulia (Second Half of the 16th Century)
Edit Szegedi - Von der Uneindeutigkeit zur konfessionellen Konkurrenz im Fürstentum Siebenbürgen
Zoltán Csepregi - Ketzerakten, Glaubenswechsel, Kirchenvisitationen. Landpfarrer und ihre Gläubigen im Königreich Ungarn
Mária Lupescu Makó/Radu Lupescu - Mendicant Friars and Religious Revival in Sixteenth Century Cluj, Transylvania
Ciprian Firea - Last Wills of Transylvanian Saxon Parish Priests on the Eve of the Reformation (ca. 1500-1580). Some Thoughts about their Meaning
II. Soziale, wirtschaftliche und sittliche Existenz/ Social, economic and moral life
Zsolt Simon - The financial administration of the parish churches of Kronstadt (Braşov/Brassó) in the 16th century
András Péter Szabó - Städtischer Haushalt von Bistritz in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts
Adrian Magina - The city and the church. Religious life in Lipova, the 14th-16th centuries
Florin Nicolae Ardelean - Piety, morality and discipline in the military regulations of the Transylvanian principality (1577-1683)
Julia Derzsi - Unzucht und Ehebruch vor Gericht. Sexualdelikte bei den Siebenbürger Sachsen in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts
Enikö Rüsz-Fogarasi - Consequences of the Reformation. Priest Wives, a New Role for Early Modern Women
Mária Pakucs-Willcocks - The idea of good marriage at he the end of the sixteenth century Transylvania. Mathias Raw vs. Catharina Birthalmer
III. Ein Echo auf Wittenberg: das Beispiel des Dorfpfarrers Damasus Dürr/ An echo of Wittenberg: the example of village pastor Damasus Dür
Martin Armgart - Die Edition der Predigten von Damasus Dürr
Robert Kolb - Damasus Dürr´s Preaching in Wittenberg Context
Ulrich A. Wien - Supervision of 'Authority' and 'Community' by the Church as a warden of order. The Positioning of Damasus Dürr between demand and reality
IV. Kunst und lutherische Konfession/ Arts and Lutheran confession
Maria Crăciun - The Voice of Pulpits. Word and Image in the Construction of the Confessional Identity of Lutheran Communities in Early Modern Transylvania
Livia Magina - The Transylvanian rural World at the end of the 16th Century Reflected in the Minutes of Sălişte