Dr. Arkadiusz Danszczyk
Deputy Directorspecialized information on Eastern Central and Southeastern Europe
(02323) 16 2188 arkadiusz.danszczyk@herne.deLibrary
Margarete Polok
Academic Librarianspecialized information on Eastern Central and Southeastern Europe, head of user services
(02323)16 2189 margarete.polok@herne.deJessica Blotko M.A.
public relations, educational partnerships
(02323) 16 2106 jessica.blotko@herne.deDr. Sabine Planka
Academic Librarianevent management, public relations, educational partnerships
(02323) 16 2106 [information to follow]Elvira Behm
Certified Librarianinter-library borrowing, cataloguing
(02323) 16 2105 elvira.behm@herne.deMarc Daubitz
Specialist in Media and Information Servicestrainee teacher, exchange/gifts
(02323) 16 2186 marc.daubitz@herne.deGeorge Müller
Specialist in Media and Information Servicesdigitisation, magazine maintenance
(02323) 16 2806 george.mueller@herne.deRosa Willms
Specialist in Media and Information Servicestechnical book processing, periodical processing
(02323) 16 2261 rosa.willms@herne.deKai Andrea Drenhaus
Specialist in Media and Information Servicesinter-library borrowing
(02323)16 2891 kai.drenhaus@herne.deUrsula Koscielny
Library Employeetechnical book processing
(02323) 16 2806 ursula.koscielny@herne.deApprentice
Voluntary Social Year - Culture (2024/2025)
Martin Prüsener
Business Economist (Diploma / University of Applied Sciences)administrative manager
(02323) 16 2897